Analysis of the demand for a mental health consultation coordinated with Primary Care
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After the psychiatric reform, the treatment of patients with mental illness is carried out at community level, being necessary the coordination between Mental Health Unit and Primary Care. Our objective is to analyze the characteristics of the demand from Primary Care. An observational, analytical and prospective study is performed in which variables collected in a database with Access format are analyzed through the SPSS 19.0 program counting on a sample of 1645 patients attended in 29 months, selecting those derived from Primary Care. The distribution was 60% women and 40% men, mean age of 48.41 years (standard deviation 18,025). 41% came from Ciudad Real. Most frequent derivation: Normal (79,8%). 73% of men and 76% of women attended an appointment. The Adaptive Disorder was the most frequent in both sexes, being discharged 37,6%. It was followed by Anxiety Disorder (10,2%) in men and Depressive Disorder (17,11%) in women. More frequent destination after discharge on the first consultation: Mental Health Unit (61,8%), being Adaptive Disorder (24,2%), Depressive Disorder (21,1%), Mixed Disorder (12,5%). The variables remain practically the same compared to previous analyzes, concluding that coordination with Primary Care continues to be an objective to be promoted for better patient care.
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