Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence in Elite Taekwondo Athletes
Introduction: The literature has provided evidence demonstrating relationships between certain personality traits and a better ability to regulate and manage emotions. Objective: To determine the relationship between different personality traits and emotional intelligence in American Taekwondo practitioners. Methodology: Descriptive and quantitative research was conducted in a group of Taekwondo practitioners who are part of sports camps affiliated with the national federation of the United States. The sample consisted of (n=470) participants belonging to different categories within this sport. During the study, personality traits were analyzed using the MINI IPIP, while emotional intelligence was assessed through the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT). Results: A negative correlation was identified in the trait of neuroticism (-0.047, p<0.310), indicating that a higher score on the emotional intelligence test is associated with lower neuroticism, and vice versa. The other traits showed positive relationships with emotional intelligence. None of the variables exhibited statistically significant correlations. Conclusion: A consistent and significant relationship between personality traits according to the Five-Factor Model and emotional intelligence was not found. However, a inversely proportional relationship between emotional intelligence and the trait of neuroticism was highlighted, as these two aspects differ in terms of emotion management and regulation. Additionally, a trend toward openness to experience was observed in this group of Taekwondo practitioners.
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