Depresión mayor en ancianos de 85 y más años. Su asociación con demencia

Depresión mayor en ancianos de 85 y más años.
Su asociación con demencia

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Teresa Fonte Sevillano
Yanet Pérez Mesa
Susel Quesada Peña
Yadira Hernández Pino


Depression is considered the most frequent mental illness; it is a cause of disability and constitutes a modifiable risk factor for the future development of dementia. The objective of tis study was to determine the frequency of major depression in elderly aged 85 and over and its possible association with dementia and with sociodemographic and clinical aspects. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 202 elderly who were treated in the protocolized consultation ¨The care of cognitive disorders in the elderly ¨, of the Hermanos Ameijeiras hospital, during the period between February 2016 and May 2016. 2020. 55.9% of the elderly were women and 64.9% were between 85 and 89 years old. A significant association was found between major depression and having comorbidity (p = 0.001), being a smoker (p = 0.003) and being a drinker (p <0.001). Major depression and dementia were diagnosed in 12.9% of the elderly, with no significant relationship (p = 0.731). The frequency of major depression in elderly aged 85 and over who were treated in a care consultation for cognitive disorders in the elderly is considered high. An association was identified between factors that deteriorated health and the presence of major depression, but not between it and dementia.


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