Management of compound odontoma with guided bone regeneration. A case report.
Contenido principal del artículo
An odontoma is a mixed benign odontogenic tumor, being a hamartomatous neoplastic lesion of odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal cells that form enamel, dentine and cement, which occurs in the second to third decade of life, and is commonly a radiographic finding. The aim of this paper is to describe the management of a compound odontoma with guided bone regeneration. A 20-year-old asymptomatic male patient with no relevant surgical medical history underwent surgery for the enucleation of a compound odontoma followed by guided bone regeneration of the defect, and histopathological study of the specimen. The evolution was favorable, without any sign of recurrence. It is important to carry out a previous surgical plan, taking into account the size of the defect resulting from its enucleation, assess the need for guided bone regeneration and use complementary diagnostic resources for a satisfactory recovery.
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