About the Journal
About the Journal
The journal RevChiREAF considers original research work related to the area of rehabilitation sciences and physical activity. Articles of an informative nature, expression of opinions or popular dissemination will not be published; only systematized professional experiences, articles, systematic bibliographic reviews and meta-analyses, trials, of a scientific nature, will be accepted, unpublished, derived from a contrasted research and that have not been published previously or that are being considered simultaneously by other journals. All manuscripts received will be examined by the editor and the editorial committee of the journal RevChiREAF, who will decide if it meets the characteristics indicated and the format required by the journal.
The journal RevChiREAF will receive the following types of articles: Research article, Scientific article derived from bibliographic reviews, Theoretical article derived from systematic practical experiences, Scientific articles derived from a meta-analysis and Essays.
The Chilean Journal of Rehabilitation and Physical Activity publishes articles under the publication scheme every three months, that is, March, June, September and December.
Guidelines for authors
The manuscript must be sent in an electronic file format compatible with "Microsoft Word" using letter size paper, numbering each line, to single space (including references), written in Times New Roman, letter size: 12 points for all text, 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins applied to the four sides of the sheet, justified by both sides, a single column, containing figures and tables in precise places. The recommended length shall not exceed 6000 words, including figures, tables and bibliographic references. Pages should be numbered consecutively, with the numbers in the lower right corner. Citations and bibliographical references should be made following the format Vancouver, 2024.
The first page of the manuscript will include: title of the article (centered, capital and bold). The authors' first and last names, the institution represented by the author (place of affiliation), the department (if necessary), the email address of each author and the ORCID code of each author should be listed below.
The journal will ask you to provide an author identifier, the recommended one will be ORCID. To create it you must go to the site: https://orcid.org/
After the title, you must include the research summary (maximum 250 words). It should reflect the content of the research, the objective, the methodology (participants, instruments, procedure, among others), the results (including levels of significance), the conclusions and the implications. All in one paragraph should not use subtitles.
Finally, keywords (between three and six key concepts or descriptors) should be added that clearly reflect the specific content of the work. They will be included without conjunctions or articles and should be standardized with a Thesaurus (UNESCO or DeCS).
Please note that the title, abstract and keywords must be in Spanish and English or Portuguese. If the document is presented in English, the order must be reversed: first in English and then in Spanish. If presented in Portuguese it must be added in English or Spanish.
From the second page of the manuscript will begin the drafting of the full text of the article, along with references. If explanatory notes are included, they will be placed at the bottom of the page. They should be brief, with additional information that strengthens the discussion (reiterations will not be accepted). Nor will it be admitted: use of and/ or student/s; an inclusive wording will be suggested.
The scientific research article shall:
Derived from original research.
Include in the case of articles, systematic reviews and meta-analysis: introduction (theoretical background), objective, methodology (participants, instruments, procedures and statistical analysis), results, discussion, conclusions, future recommendations with practical scope, references and annexes. or supplementary materials (if applicable).
In case of bibliographic reviews include introduction (theoretical background), objective, theoretical framework, conclusions, future recommendations with practical scope, references and annexes or complementary materials (if applicable).
Systematic practical experiences include: introduction (theoretical background), objective, methodology (participants, instruments or material used), exhaustive systematization of practical experience (may include images, diagrams, among others), conclusions, future recommendations together with scope practices, references and annexes or supplementary materials (if applicable).
Structure of the Manuscript
Introduction. It will establish the theoretical basis of the problem, the state of the art and the last paragraph will explain the purpose of the study and the corresponding hypotheses. If any abbreviation is used, its meaning must be clearly defined.
Methodology. This section will give a clear and complete description of the research process, allowing readers the possibility to understand it and how the research was developed, in order to reproduce it. The authors should mention in the methodology section that the procedures applied to the participants have followed the principles and ethical guidelines for the protection of human beings and research animals, including the review of research protocols by the relevant ethics committee. If these entities are not available in your country, it must be stated that informed consent was obtained from the participants. This section shall include the following elements:
Participants: describe the basic characteristics such as (sex, age, number of people and any other relevant) and the selection procedure used. In the case of studies with humans or animals, it will be mandatory to establish the ethical rules used and mention the ethical committee that approved the study.
Instruments: provide details of the instruments, as well as their validity and reliability.
Procedures: Describe the data collection process followed. In case the document involves several experiments, it will describe the method and the results of each study separately and numbered. It must indicate the ethical standards followed; for example, informed consent or, failing that, approval by the relevant Ethics Committee.
Statistical analysis: it will clearly establish whether descriptive, inferential, qualitative or non-parametric statistics were used, as well as the statistical package or others used in the research.
Results. This section systematically covers the results obtained. They must be presented as clearly and precisely as possible. Results can be displayed as text, in tables or figures; but the same data should not be included as text, in tables or figures (results should not be repeated). Tables are a summary of words or figures, organized in lines or rows, in an orderly manner, placing the title in the upper area and the legend in the lower area of the same. Figures are data in nonlinear form; using any type of iconic resources, the legend is placed in the lower area. Figures and tables should be placed where they correspond throughout the manuscript; remove vertical lines. In the case of statistical abbreviations and probability, they should be in italics, for example: n, p, F, gl, SD, SEM, SRD, CCI, ICC, etc. The inclusion of photographs, illustrations, tables or graphs should bear the author’s credits or indication of references, as appropriate. In the note requesting the publication of the article, the authors must guarantee, and if necessary accredit with additional documentation (at the discretion of the Editorial Committee), that the images or other illustrations contained in your article have the proper permissions to be used.
Discussion. The results are interpreted in this section; they are reviewed with related scientific literature. Also, examine the meaning of the findings of the results, giving plausible explanations. The theoretical and practical implications of research should also be mentioned.
Conclusions. The most relevant research findings are described in this section. It is also acceptable to include them in the discussion section. The limitations found should be incorporated, as well as future recommendations for further research.
References. Citations and fonts should follow the Vancouver style format, version 2024. Whenever possible, all references should include the DOI.
IMPORTANT. A manuscript that does not meet these requirements will not be evaluated until it does. At all times they will respect the copyright and thus avoid plagiarism. Likewise, the detection of plagiarism and autoplagy will lead to the rejection ad portas.
Peer review policy
The papers sent to La Revista Chilena de Rehabilitación y Actividad Física (RevChiREAF) are submitted to a preliminary evaluation by the editorial team and to peer review by external peers through double-blind.
The procedure includes:
Verify that the work belongs to the areas declared by the journal (Approach and scope)
Analysis of similarities with Turnitin software.
Verification of compliance with journal publication rules (instructions to authors).
Sending by the editor-in-chief of the original manuscript to two external academic peers, who will perform the evaluation under the double-blind modality. Reviewers must complete the evaluation form based on the declared criteria and conclude a) Accept submission, b) Publishable with modifications, c) Reevaluable; d) Recommend another journal and e) Not publishable.
Criteria for evaluating the article
It has a title and summary in English and Spanish.
Consistency and clarity of exposition.
Use of sources and references.
Methodological rigour.
Scientific relevance.
Fits the format and spelling.
With the evaluation delivered by the external reviewers, the editor-in-chief makes the decision according to the following categories:
a) Accept shipment
b) Publishable with modifications
c) Reevaluable
d) Not available for publication.
The reviewers have 4 weeks to evaluate the articles and give a recommendation to the editor about the possibilities of the article being published. This decision is immediately communicated to the authors. If authors have to make minor changes, they are given a period of 1 to 2 weeks to re-submit corrections, otherwise the article would go through the editing and production process to be published. The process from when an article is submitted to publication varies between 1 and 3 months.
The works use the Microsoft Word format to perform the relevant evaluations and the OJS through evaluation forms.
Evaluation criteria reviews and tests
Verify thematic membership.
Adjust to publishing standards.
The document will be evaluated by two external peers in free format, in the table available in the OJS platform. As in the case of research articles, the reviewers evaluate globally according to the categories: a) Accept submission; b) Publishable with modifications; c) Reevaluables and d) Not publishable.
Based on these considerations, the editor will ultimately decide whether to accept or reject its publication.
For letters to the editor the thematic membership and the adjustment to the standards of the journal will be verified. These works will not be subject to external evaluation and it will be the editor’s decision to publish or not.
Ethics and negligence statement of the journal
RevChiREAF bases its editorial processes on the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE) code of ethics and the Declaration of Helsinki, which defines ethical principles for medical research in humans, including research into human material and identifiable information.
Authors must declare in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained from the subjects who participated in the investigation or case report. People’s right to privacy must be respected, published information must be properly anonymized and dignity and respect for human rights must always be safeguarded.
Animal experiments should follow international standards such as ARRIVE (https://arriveguidelines.org/) or EU Directive 2010/63 (https//ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/lab_animals/legislation_en.htm) or the NIH Guidelines (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978), this should be indicated in the manuscript.
To comply with these principles, the different actors of the editorial process establish the following commitments:
Responsibilities of author/to or authors/as
Ensure that there is no undue experimentation with human beings and ensure that informed consent and the protection of other forms of rights and welfare of persons undergoing scientific experimentation are in place.
Present an original work, which does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of works without the corresponding reference.
Authors should not bring their personal interests into the principles governing authorship and publication.
Comply with copyright and commit to properly reimburse the credits of these people. For this, they cite and refer to these sources using the APA citation model, in the most current edition.
Read and know the editorial policies and guidelines for sending manuscripts and instructions for the authors of the journal RevChiREAF. In addition to understanding the responsibilities indicated in the cover letter (Declaration of originality and transfer agreement), signing all the terms described in it.
The author may not duplicate the submission of his article simultaneously to another journal.
The authors understand that, in case of simultaneous request, partial publication, plagiarism or autoplagio, the journal RevChiREAF and its editorial committee will have the right to cancel the article in its "rejected" state. These authors will receive the appropriate response of their article considering this condition.
They have the responsibility to incorporate into the methodology of the article what concerns the code of ethics of the responsible body of their country.
They will be responsible for specifying the authorship and the order in which the names of the co-authors appear. The general rule is that the name of the main contributor appears first and the subsequent names in descending order of contribution.
In case of conflict of interest or other disputes about authorship, the RevChiREAF will consider the national standards, as well as the recommendations of COPE is assumed as a basis for the resolution of the same.
Editorial responsibilities and editorial committee
Request and verify documentation supporting compliance with the protocol of ethical standards of research such as: informed consent of persons participating in the investigation, the evaluation of the clinical and non-clinical biomedical research protocol by the research committees, ethics of their institutions and others that comply with ethical, legal and legal criteria that are regulated at national and international level.
Execute the editorial policies established by the journal in such a way that this team can guide the authors, reviewers and the editorial committee during the editorial management process.
Review the article with responsibility, coherence and effectiveness in the reception and evaluation times.
Resist external pressures that may alter the integrity of the publishing process.
Suggest to the authors the use of tools that avoid ambiguity in the nomenclature of the names of each person involved in the research (For example: ORCID).
Confirm the authorization of co-authorship of the articles under evaluation, as well as the order in which they appear in the article.
Review all the technical, administrative details that accompany and ensure the quality of the editorial process.
Ensure that the authors declare the approval of the ethics committee of their country for the dissemination of the results of their research, thus avoiding possible conflicts of interest.
Ensure that, during the arbitration process, the reviewer is selected according to the principles of thematic knowledge and experience in the scientific review of scientific articles.
Protect the identity of authors and reviewers, applying the "double blind" modality for the review process.
Communicate with an evaluation report, the observations made by the reviewers, and thus provide the outcome of the evaluation.
Evaluating responsibilities
Verify that the works include in their methodologies the declaration of ethics of the authors, compliance with the protocols and documentation that obviously guarantees their adherence to the rules and procedures. In cases not included, inform journal editors to make rejection decisions or request modifications.
Reviewers should not accept a review of an article unless qualified for evaluation.
You must respect the time allotted for the evaluation of the manuscript and be diligent in it, in order not to damage or compromise the fluidity of the review process.
If during the evaluation process the reviewer detects any irregularity or identifies unusual circumstances in the article under review, he must immediately inform the editor of the journal RevChiREAF.
The reviewer must inform the editor of the existence of a situation of commercial, economic or personal interests that could affect the valuation of the article. Although this will depend on individual circumstances. In general, it is not recommended that the reviewer accept the evaluation of a manuscript from a relative, collaborator, colleague, friend or recent student.
Respect and protect the confidentiality of the content of manuscripts during this stage of the editorial process.
Understand all the extremes of what the "double-blind" review modality implies, in order to safeguard the confidentiality of content and authorship.
Policy of detection of plagiarism
This will ensure that the editorial team, the reviewers and the authors comply with the necessary ethical standards in the publication process in an atmosphere of transparency. For the review and detection of plagiarism the journal RevChiREAF will have the software Turnitin that allows the verification of coincidences in the text. Any case of coincidences in the text will be checked prior to the peer review of the article and the authors will be asked to clarify the status of the match and correct if possible. If it is assessed that the number of coincidences does not meet the requirement of originality, the manuscript will be rejected. In all cases, a document containing the observations on the coincidences detected shall be provided.
Ethics and negligence statement of the journal
RevChiREAF bases its editorial processes on the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE) code of ethics and the Declaration of Helsinki, which defines ethical principles for medical research in humans, including research into human material and identifiable information.
Authors must declare in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained from the subjects who participated in the investigation or case report. The right to privacy of individuals must be respected, published information must be properly anonymized and dignity and respect for human rights must always be safeguarded.
Policy of detection of plagiarism
This will ensure that the editorial team, the reviewers and the authors comply with the necessary ethical standards in the publication process in an atmosphere of transparency. For the review and detection of plagiarism the journal RevChiREAF will have the software Turnitin that allows the verification of coincidences in the text. Any case of coincidences in the text will be checked prior to the peer review of the article and the authors will be asked to clarify the status of the match and correct if possible. If it is assessed that the number of coincidences does not meet the requirement of originality, the manuscript will be rejected. In all cases, a document containing the observations on the coincidences detected shall be provided.
Errata, retractions, clarifications and apologies: The response to a published error depends on the nature of the error and the person or organization that draws attention to the problem. When a lack of research is detected, the editors have the duty to inform the editorial committee so that the necessary measures are taken: retractions, corrections, apologies, clarifications. Editors and editors should always be ready to post corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
For peer-reviewed content, error types can be classified as:
Errata: If the journal makes a significant error that could affect the work or reputation of the authors, the published notification is called errata. Correction of errors: if the author or authors make a major mistake, all authors must approve and sign the corrections (correction document) or the journal must be informed of their opinions in disagreement.
Retraction: If the results are not valid, all co-authors must sign a retraction explaining the error and how it affected the conclusions. This will be sent for publication and is the most consistent type of error.
Annex: If additional information on an article is published, it may include an editorial expression of concern. It is attached to documents that the personal editor considers require additional explanation for understanding. Once the communication has been received from the editor, the Editorial Committee is convened to take a joint decision on the resulting measure, which, when decreed, is communicated to the author and carried out as soon as possible.
All determinations are made while maintaining the integrity and prestige of the journal and its authors. RevChiREAF follows COPE standards when developing these processes in editorial practice.
Preservation of digital archives policy
Specific preservation actions used for RevChiREAF’s digital resources will largely depend on the source and type of content, as well as existing technology, experience and ongoing support. Preservation actions based on current resources can be broken down as follows:
Subscription-based resources: Because these resources are not owned or controlled directly by the journal, the journal’s staff cannot manage them. Instead, subscription-based digital resources are primarily managed through an agreement with the publisher to use third-party preservation services (such as Portico and LOCKSS).
RevChiREAF will also continue its involvement in Portico, LOCKSS and HathiTrust, in support of third-party archival arrangements of resources that are not owned by the journal. The value of participation in these and similar services will be assessed periodically.
Resources created by or for and owned by the journal: These resources will be managed holistically using the life cycle model. It is expected that all resource content of Revista Justicia y Derecho and associated metadata will be developed in accordance with current standards and best practices, and stored in a long-term repository within the journal infrastructure or in a pool-based repository system (such as HathiTrust).
Open Access Policy
RevChiREAF provides immediate open access to your content, based on the principle stated by the university in its Rectory Resolution 103/2017 that Approves Criteria and Procedures for the creation of Scientific Journals of the Autonomous University of Chile and institutional subscription to the policies of Open Access to the community academic, scientific and public in general.
RevChiREAF will manage its editorial processes on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform installed on the university’s journal portal that ensures permanent access, historical record of published articles and free download in full text. RevChiREAF will not charge for entry, processing or publication of articles.