Effects of a physical education program frequently twice a week on strength, aerobic endurance and flexibility of the upper limb in students of 7th grade

Effects of a physical education program frequently twice a week on strength, aerobic endurance and flexibility of the upper limb in students of 7th grade

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Fabián Fuentes Flores


Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effect of conducting Physical Education classes twice a week, on the physical condition of 7th grade students, assessed through strength-resistance, power, aerobic endurance and lower limb flexibility. Methodology: The sample corresponds to 66 students from the school No. 1 Nuestra Señora del Tránsito in the commune of Molina. 33 of these students belonged to the control group (CG) and 33 to the experimental group (GE). Obtaining the data was through a process that included signing informed consent to the students and measurements of weight, height, age, BMI and physical activity survey (IPAQ), in addition, the evaluations of the physical condition, push-up test, trunk flexion test, long jump test, short abdominal test and Cafra test. The intervention plan lasted eight weeks, one session of 90 minutes per week for the control group (CG) and 2 sessions of 45 minutes for the experimental group (EG) Results: for the EG, significant differences were obtained in the variables number of sit-ups (p= 0.00), long jump (p=0.001) and Cafra test (p=0.001) significant improvement, Conclusion: Physical education classes would present an improvement in physical capacity of some indicators number of sit-ups long jump and aerobic capacity.


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