Physical training during academic recess, its effect and relationship on physical condition and body composition in children from 8 to 16 years old in a public school
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Introduction: Physical activity promotes healthy and active lifestyles (Rodriguez et al., 2020). Therefore, it is expected that a child who creates physical activity habits will reach adulthood with acquired healthy practices. Consequently, encouraging physical activity at all times is crucial to establish a healthy life and avoid health problems in adulthood (Zapata & Ramirez, 2020). The subject of physical education is the gateway to the practice of physical activity throughout life. In this sense, schools and colleges have been considered as key environments for the promotion of PA of adolescents (Giakoni et al., 2021). Objective(s): The purpose of this study was to establish the effect and relationship of variables of a training program carried out during a vacation period on physical fitness and body composition in children aged 8 to 16 years from the cauquenes commune. Methodology: a longitudinal study with a pre-experimental design was carried out, where physical condition was determined, measured through the indicators of manual pressure strength, horizontal jump, abdominal resistance, speed in 20 meters and Course- Navette test. In addition, body composition was determined, established by weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference. The sample consisted of 30 participants of both sexes. Results: No significant changes in physical condition and body composition were observed. A significant negative relationship was observed between waist circumference levels and the measurement of physical capacity at abdominal level with a moderate explained variance (r =-0.514; p =0.004), showing that the higher the abdominal perimeter, the lower the abdominal resistance capacity. The pre-intervention weight correlates positively with the increase in abdominal circumference, (r= 0.858; p = 0.000) showing that the greater the weight, the greater the size of the abdominal circumference, on the other hand, a positive correlation is observed between the horizontal jump with the speed of 20 meters, (r=0.820; p= 0.000) showing that the greater the distance obtained in the horizontal jump, the greater the speed, therefore, the shorter the time in performing the test. Conclusion: The municipal training program did not achieve benefits on physical condition and body composition, only a relationship between abdominal perimeter and resistance, a positive correlation between weight and abdominal circumference and a positive correlation between horizontal jump and speed in 20 meters.
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