Use of Mobile Applications for the Practice of Physical Exercise in Technical-professional Students in the Area of Physical Activity and Sports in the Ñuble Region

Use of Mobile Applications for the Practice of Physical Exercise in Technical-professional Students in the Area of Physical Activity and Sports in the Ñuble Region

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Carlos Gutiérrez-Sanhueza


Data were collected on the use of mobile applications (apps) in physical exercise, using qualitative, nominal and categorical variables to classify app use. The main objective of the study was to know the use of apps in physical exercise, the regularity with which students use them, the most used apps and the motivations that lead students to use them. With this study, relevant contributions were obtained to define strategies or procedures in the context of education, especially in the area of physical activity and health. The information collected is useful to understand the behavior of students in relation to mobile applications and could help to improve teaching and learning in these areas, since 85% of the participants recommend using mobile apps for physical exercise.


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