Deliberative practices and dynamics of citizen participation: systematic review of conditions and applicability criteria in empirical deliberation scenarios

Deliberative practices and dynamics of citizen participation: systematic review of conditions and applicability criteria in empirical deliberation scenarios

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Felipe Valenzuela Espinosa


This article seeks to carry out a systematic review of the relationship that exists between the categories of participation dynamics and deliberative practices. Along with this, the analysis of said theoretical connection seeks to recognize the practical implications that the theoretical criteria of equity and inclusivity, legitimacy and information have in order to be able to execute quality deliberations in various empirical contexts according to the recorded evidence. As a selection and methodological justification, the PRISMA diagram was used to delimit the selection of articles through inclusion criteria (identification, selection and suitability) and focus their final content analysis. Among the main results and final discussions it was possible to verify that; The dynamics of participation are built based on the knowledge and citizen knowledge implicit in individual experiences (colloquial knowledge, cultural roots, proactive trajectories of participation) also through the recognition of a systematic dynamic of interaction in public debate (resolving extended debates in the time, connecting the feedback process with active transparency systems, linking citizen trust with the accurate explanation of an internal deliberation procedure, among others) and finally placing discourse as a base context of equality in the deliberative process by reducing gaps and forms of exclusion traditionally generated by representative systems (recognizing the necessary articulation between expert knowledge with levels of deliberation and structuring of debate supported by citizen experience).


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