Differences in the severity of Autistic Spectrum Disorder symptoms according to the educational context
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The educational system allows students with special educational needs who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder to benefit from schooling in both an ordinary school and a special education school. However, the scientific community considers that people with ASD may present different levels of severity that determine the adaptation to the educational center. This article aims to analyze the differences according to the educational context in the type of ASD, the severity of the ASD, the severity of the intellectual disability and the level of supervision; social communication; and repetitive behavior of a sample of 232 people with ASD between 3 and 63 years old. In the present study, the Social Communication Questionnaire, Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised and the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning were used. The results indicate that special education schools have students with more serious symptoms of ASD, severity of intellectual disability, stereotyped behaviors, selfharm, communication problems and higher levels of supervision in the classroom. These results have repercussions in the education system.
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