Benefits of psychological intervention related to stress and anxiety: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Benefits of psychological intervention related to stress and anxiety: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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José Gabriel Soriano
María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes
María del Mar Molero
Begoña María Tortosa
Alba González


Stress and anxiety are two closely related, but differentiated concepts. On one hand, stress can be understood as an individual’s inability to cope with extrinsic (environmental) demands, generating exhausting situations that could sometimes lead to very severe psychological disorders. On the other hand, anxiety refers to the state of nervousness in anticipation of a dangerous situation (threat). The objective of this study was to identify the relationship existing between stress and anxiety in their relationship with various techniques, factors to be considered and intervention programs. After a search for scientific articles published in the last five years, that is, from 2014 to 2019 in the Psicodoc, Scielo, Psychology Database, Scopus and PsycINFO international databases, 533 scientific articles were found, which after applying the inclusion criteria, were reduced to seven articles for review. The results showed the influence that intervention programs, techniques and factors to be considered exert on being able to cope with anxiety and stress. In this sense, the results suggest that when daily techniques are used to improve anxiety and stress, the subject scores lower in these variables, and thereby better personal wellbeing.


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