The role of reception and production modalities in discourse comprehension: a study on early interactions in primary school children
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The aim of this work is to study the role of reception modalities (listening / reading) and production (speaking / writing) of language in child´s 3rd grade, 49 girls and 49 boys (average age: 8.2 years). We used two types of measurement: microproposicional analysis of text and story grammar analysis. In micropropositional analysis, results showed significant differences and interactions such between conditions, both reception (listening and reading) as in production (speaking and writing). Oral communication (listening and speaking) facilitated the identification of the main ideas while is written communication (reading and writing) facilitated memory strategies. Analysis from the grammar of stories showed no significant differences between modalities and interactions between them: the structural organization and the type of propositions recalled were very similar in the four conditions.
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