Self-regulated learning, school stress and academic achievement

Self-regulated learning, school stress and academic achievement

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Carlos Valiente-Barroso
José Manuel Suárez-Riveiro
Marta Martínez-Vicente


Self-regulated learning is a complex process that involves interrelated cognitive and motivational aspects for the purpose of achieving scholastic success. Deficiencies in this process can give rise to triggers of daily stress at school. This study seeks to verify whether there are differences in the use of selfregulated learning strategies related to different levels of school stress and of academic achievement. A total of 620 fifth- and sixth-graders from ages 10 to 12 (M = 10.35; SD = 0.63) participated in this cross-sectional study, with a multivariate methodology that was nonexperimental, descriptive, correlational and inferential. The results indicated significant differences in support strategies, complementary strategies for learning, attitude toward study and academic self-concept, in relation to different levels (low, medium and high) of school stress. Significant differences were also found between students with lower or higher academic achievement in complementary strategies for learning and in attitude toward study, the latter variables proving to be predictive of school stress. In conclusion, we emphasize the need for teaching plans that intentionally develop the learning to learn competency; this competency is fundamental to self-regulated learning and can also act as a preventive measure against school stress.


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