Online Platform for the Evaluation of School Engagement, Version 3.0: progress towards a system for the protection of educational trajectories
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This article presents the results of the development and incremental validation of the Integrated System of Evaluation, Monitoring and Strategies for the Promotion of School Engagement and Contextual Factors developed in Chile for its potential use in Ibero-America. The web-based system has had an incremental development based on various R&D research projects and aims to contribute to one of the challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean indicated by international organizations, which is to advance towards the construction of protection systems for school paths. For its realization, an agile software development methodology called SCRUM was carried out that facilitates collaborative work between teams. The main results are a platform of high interest to schools with six steps that guides its implementation with audiovisual support resources. Given that the concept of school engagement has acquired greater relevance because of the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic, the entire system was adjusted for a context of either face-to-face or remote classes. The current challenge is the consolidation of this platform in the national educational policy to facilitate its use and massification.
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