Emotional regulation and culture in school contexts

Emotional regulation and culture in school contexts

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Gerardo Fuentes Vilugrón
Esteban Saavedra Vallejos
Enrique Riquelme Mella
Carlos Arriagada Hernández
Flavio Muñoz Troncoso


Emotional regulation (ER) is understood as the set of automatic and/or voluntary processes that are used to reduce, maintain, or increase aspects related to emotions. RE in school contexts characterized by social and cultural diversity has had a broad growth in relation to research during the last decades. The objective is to analyze and synthesize the scientific productivity found between 2010 and 2022, regarding emotion and culture in school contexts. The method is a systematic review of the documents found on the Web of Science, related to emotional regulation and culture in school contexts, following the PRISMA guidelines. The n consisted of 17 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The results indicated that cultural aspects mediate the forms of emotional regulation, which is directly linked to individual and social development and to the context of belonging to people. In conclusion, there is a need to address emotional beliefs from cultural perspectives, not only from mental health approaches in general, but also as an aspect in full development in the field of education.


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