Characterization of emotional understanding in Cuban schoolchildren with aggressive manifestations
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The aggressive manifestations constitute problems of high incidence in Cuba and the world, having to work in a preventive way from an early age. The research aimed to characterize the particularities of emotional understanding in schoolchildren with aggressive manifestations. It was used a type of study exploratory-descriptive. The sample consisted of 102 children, 51 with aggressive behavior and 51 age pairs without this condition, selected from a non-probabilistic sampling. The techniques used were: Emotional Comprehension Test and the Aggression Scale of Little et al. The information was analyzed from descriptive statistics, as well as the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis U tests. In children with aggressive manifestations, predominated direct reactive aggression (physical or verbal). Difficulties were found in emotional understanding in a general, mainly at the reflective level. The components most affected were understanding of external causes of emotions and the impact of beliefs on emotions, but more seriously the identification of mixed emotions and regulate them. The differences with the children without aggressive manifestations were significant in practically all aspects, except the external level and the understanding of the possibility of hiding emotions.
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