Salas multisensoriales en educación especial. Un estudio de caso
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After designing the materials of the multisensory rooms, elaborated from an artistic, aesthetic and personalized perspective to the needs of the recipients of the educational center, the intervention is exposed with 11 students aged between 8-12 years of age.
For this study, information collection techniques are used through photographic documentation and evaluation records carried out during and after the experience. As aspects to observe in the students, the level of motivation, the level of attention, the emotional well-being, the degree of relaxation and the level of communication detected in the participating students were taken into account. Finally, an interview is conducted with the management team of the center in order to find out their opinions on the effectiveness of the room and its possible implementation in the future.
The analysis of results shows the positive response from the participating students, as well as the interest aroused by the proposal for a multisensory room with manufactured and artistic materials among the teachers of the center.
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