New trends in integral education at the university. A systematic review according to the PRISMA Statement

New trends in integral education at the university. A systematic review according to the PRISMA Statement

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Yildret Rodriguez Avila
Francia Moncada-Navas


The objective of this work is to determine the current trends on Integral Education (IE) currently being developed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), as reported in the scientific literature, given the importance of the topic of integral education for higher education. The methodology employed is based on a systematic review of scientific articles deposited in three databases such as Web of Science (WoS), EbscoHost and Scopus, through a bibliometric design in accordance with the Prisma Statement. For this purpose, a search equation with its respective Booleans was established. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established. The results show that there are trends associated with IE that do not necessarily fit the traditional concept. These trends are: research, competencies for professional performance, generic academic competencies that include transversal skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, problem solving and the capacity for autonomous learning, collaborative learning, holistic education, tutoring models and personalized follow-up, learning communities, ethical competencies and moral education, working with communities, global and intercultural competencies and the incorporation of technology. It is concluded that the IE in universities has been adjusting to expectations in line with the times and contextual needs of this era, although the holistic principle of humanity has not been completely abandoned.


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