Analysis of motivation in the primary education

Analysis of motivation in the primary education

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Mónica Cuesta Arquelladas
Patricia Ayllón Salas


Motivation is one of the most important aspects to consider in the teaching-learning process. However, one of the most common problems in primary school classrooms, which teachers usually encounter when teaching, is the lack of interest shown by students in the school content being taught. In this sense, the aim of this research is to know the reasons and objectives that cause students to engage or not to engage in their learning in a sample of students in the second cycle of primary education. For this purpose, the Academic Goals Questionnaire was used as an instrument, which was administered as a group by the different classrooms to which the participants belonged. The results obtained show that the goals set by the participants are mainly reward goals, so that it is recommended to design and implement certain intervention measures to improve the motivational tendencies of the students in the classroom, given the implications this has for learning. In this regard, it is necessary to help students set specific, short-term, achievable and relatively challenging goals, and to provide feedback to inform students’ progress toward achieving their goals.


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