Relationship between school victimization and body image in schoolchildren from the province of Granada

Relationship between school victimization and body image in schoolchildren from the province of Granada

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Ramón Chacón Cuberos
Gabriel González Valero
Rosario Padial Ruz
Manuel Castro Sánchez


This descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 519 primary and secondary school students (M=10.67; SD=2.57) from the Primary Education stage of the province of Granada. The main aims were to define and to relate the perceived body image and levels of victimization in a group of school children. The main instruments used were the Stunkard Silence Scale and the School Victimization Scale. The results reveal that one-third of schoolchildren were perceived with silhouettes associated with underweight and 15% with silhouettes linked to overweight or obesity. In relation to the levels of victimization it was obtained that the verbal type was the most common. In addition, the relationships established between both variables reveal statistically significant differences for all types of victimization, specifying that those students who are perceived to be overweight are the ones that suffer the most relational, physical and verbal victimization. In this sense, it is concluded that the victimization of school-age children is closely related to their body image, highlighting the importance of developing intervention plans for emotional education and acceptance of others, as well as for the promotion of health.


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