Analysis of using of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies in secondary education

Analysis of using of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies in secondary education

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Laura Campano Fernández
Patricia Robledo Ramón
Laura Algorri Díez


The goal of the study is to know how students of Secondary School use learning strategies according to the course and the achievement of them. The author used the “Test de Estrategias de Aprendizaje ACRA”, the “Cuestionario de Estrategias Cognitivas de Aprendizaje y Estudio” and the “Cuestionario de Estrategias de Control” to evaluate 70 students from 1st.–4th. of secondary education with three different levels of achievement: fail, pass/well and notable/outstanding from a co-funded school of León. The results show us that, according to the course, there is a big difference in the use of learning strategies between the students of 1st. and 2nd. Course, and there is a stalemate in the use after 2nd. Course. According to academic achievement, it has been proved that students with good achievement use more learning strategies than students with low achievement. From an applied perspective, we reflect on the suitability of training and forming students in learning strategies, in order to achieve greater success in academic results.


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