Exploring internal social interaction and its impact on organizational communication
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Organization conflicts are of interest to psychology because of the complex internal social interaction that members experience, taking into account that efforts to improve organizational development are relatively new. The objective of this study was to relate the internal social interactions with the way members of an organization located in Salamanca, Guanajuato (Mexico) communicate. The study sample was constituted by 44 participants. The data collection was carried out through the Inventory of Perceived Uneasiness in Labor Instability (IMPIL) and the Communication Audit Questionnaire (CAC), and the Spearman test was used to identify correlation. Results showed that the most outstanding level of discomfort "happens but it does not produce discomfort" since it occurs on a higher percentage than the remaining four levels. On the other hand, correlations were found among the event, rules and changes with the seven factors of communication (<0.05). According to this, it is suggested that there is a linear, moderate and directly proportional relationship between social interaction and communication in the members of organization being evaluated and it is proposed that we continue with contributions of interactions to the study of occupational psychology.
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