Subjective and objective evaluation of nasal obstruction in patients treated at the Hospital de Clínicas, Paraguay

Subjective and objective evaluation of nasal obstruction in patients treated at the Hospital de Clínicas, Paraguay

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Rodrigo David González Insfrán
Ana Alicia María Benítez
Carlos Mena Canata
Enrique Pérez
Julio Heinichen


Nasal obstruction is characterized by insufficient airflow and increased resistance in the nasal cavities, affecting patients’ quality of life and sleep. This study aims to compare the efficacy of medical and surgical treatment in patients with Nasal obstruction, using subjective evaluations (NOSE and VAS scales) and objective evaluations (active anterior rhinomanometry). This is an experimental and prospective longitudinal study conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas, Paraguay. Forty patients with Nasal obstruction were included, divided into medical treatment (nasal corticosteroids) and surgical treatment (turbinoplasty, septoplasty, or both) groups. Pre- and post-treatment evaluations were performed using the NOSE and VAS scales, and active anterior rhinomanometry. The sample included 52.5% men and 47.5% women, with an average age of 32.18±11.59 years. The main cause of Nasal obstruction was chronic rhinitis (62.5%). Treatments showed significant improvements in subjective and objective evaluations. In the medical group, VAS improved by 2.63 points in women and 2.00 in men, while the surgical group showed more pronounced improvements. The NOSE also showed significant reductions, especially in patients undergoing combined turbinoplasty and septoplasty. Active anterior rhinomanometry reflected an increase in overall nasal flow in all treated groups. Both medical and surgical treatments are effective in improving Nasal obstruction, with greater benefits observed in surgical treatments. Subjective and objective evaluations are valuable and complementary tools for assessing treatment in patients with Nasal obstruction. These results highlight the importance of a comprehensive evaluation in the management of Nasal obstruction.


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