Lesión renal aguda en el paciente quemado

Lesión renal aguda en el paciente quemado

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Jorge Fernando Miño–Bernal
Juan Santiago Serna Trejos
Stefanya Geraldine Bermúdez–Moyano


Introduction: Burns are the fourth cause of trauma worldwide, usually associated in large part with renal component, generating an abrupt deterioration of renal function manifested in decreased glomerular filtration rate as well as in the patient’s water balance. Objective: To present a narrative review on aspects related to the pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic approach in burn patients with acute kidney injury. Methods: Narrative review of relevant and outstanding articles about management of the burn patient with acute kidney injury, from different databases such as Scopus, Medline, Embase and Google Scholar. Results: The pathophysiological mechanisms that lead the burn patient to generate acute kidney injury have been widely described, mainly associated with rhabdomyolysis processes associated with acute conditions such as hypovolemia, among others. Conclusions: An optimal approach in the burn patient with acute renal compromise can improve the survival rate and rehabilitation of the patient’s renal function, preventing fatal outcomes, increasing patient survival and the complications associated with it.


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