Relationship between burnout levels and academic engagement in university students in the area of health during the Covid 19 pandemic

Relationship between burnout levels and academic engagement in university students in the area of health during the Covid 19 pandemic

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Bárbara López Bravo
Daniela Andrade Rebolledo
Solange Godoy Huanchicay
Héctor Brito Castillo


Introduction: Due to current health issues, the university educational system has had to migrate its classes to online format. This sudden change had consequences on lifestyles, daily routines and social behavior, which may affect mental health. Methods: A descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study aimed at 676 university students from the Faculty of Health of the Autonomous University of Chile, Talca headquarters. The levels of burnout and academic commitment (engagement) were measured through the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBI-SS) and the Utrech Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWESS-9). In addition, a self-created psychosocial profile and confinement levels questionnaire was applied. For associations, the Pearson correlation test was used and in the case of categorical variables, the Chi-square test was used. Results: A high burnout level was obtained (Me=74.07; DE=8.53) and a moderate academic engagement level (Me=31.94; DE=8.41). Online teaching obtained an average of 4.0; DE=1.3 being approved according to chilean standards. There is a significant negative correlation between burnout and academic engagement (p<0,05) and a positive correlation between perceived confinement and burnout levels, in which those who related a high confinement level (70.3%) showed a high burnout level. Conclussion: the mental health of university students should be an aspect to consider during the university experience in a period of confinement, in addition to establishing that stress (burnout) influences levels of academic commitment (engagement).


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