Effect of an interval training with rope in students of 7° and 8° basic of the city of Talca

Effect of an interval training with rope in students of 7° and 8° basic of the city of Talca

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Camila González Hernández
Sebastian Astorga Verdugo


The present study seeks to evaluate the effect of interval training carried out at the beginning of Physical Education classes on the improvement of aerobic resistance and physical activity levels in 7th and 8th grade students in the city of Talca. The study is experimental and involves 86 students aged 12 and 13, students from a municipal school in Talca, of which 34 are women and 52 are men. The intervention was carried out twice a week in eight classes of the subject. The group was divided into a control group (CG) n= 43 and an experimental group (GEXP) n43. The questionnaire on “physical activity levels” indicated that 39.4 % of the students in the sample did not do any type of physical activity, while 58.1 % did moderate physical activity, two to three days a week, while 39.4 % prefer vigorous activities two to three times a week. In relation to the results of the Ruffier-Dickson test, after one month, a Sig. p˂0.001 is achieved between the GEXP-GC group, on the other hand, in the initial and final intragroup results, in the experimental group, a Sig. p˂0.001 in a positive way while in the CG there is a Sig. P 0.004 in a negative way, since the students worsen their recovery from physical effort. The sample of 7th and 8th grade students maintains low levels of physical activity, the performance of moderate activities stands out, two to three times a week and a large percentage of students do not perform any activity that increases physical effort. The initial and final test results of the experimental group achieve significant results, that is, those who perform interval training with a rope at the beginning of physical education classes present better aerobic resistance than those students participating in a traditional class.


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