Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza sobre la calidad de vida y depresión en personas mayores entre 60 y 80 años de la Casa del Adulto Mayor en Talca
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Objective: To analyze the effects of strength training on depression and quality of life in older people between 60 and 80 years old. Methodology: Stratified random probabilistic experimental study. The selection of the sample was randomized for 120 elderly people belonging to the Home for the Elderly in Talca through an online raffle. The WHOQOL-BREF and abbreviated Yesavage questionnaires were applied in writing; the effects between groups were measured using the Student T test. In all cases, the p value <0.05 was adopted and the calculations were carried out in spss version 28. Results: The number of participants was 42, divided between the control group (20 participants) and the experimental group (22 participants). The control group experienced a significant decrease in depression and an increase in quality of life. Conclusion: Strength training caused positive effects in older people in 12 weeks.
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