Urban accessibility paradoxes: standardization and fragmentation in Santiago de Chile

Urban accessibility paradoxes: standardization and fragmentation in Santiago de Chile

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Marcos Cereceda-Otárola
Víctor Yáñez-Pereira


This document explores the contradiction in accessibility standardization in Santiago, Chile, focusing on sidewalks and their connection to state policies. Employing a Science, Technology, and Society approach along with qualitative and cartographic data, it demonstrates how new accessibility standards, which amend the General Urban Planning and Construction Ordinance (OGUC), aim to unify sidewalks but ultimately lead to fragmentation due to the implementation of targeted state urbanization programs. This situation adversely affects universal accessibility within a neoliberal urban planning context. The inefficacy of current policies to address these issues is criticized, highlighting the need for more effective planning and coordination, as well as the necessity for social movements to organize and respond to this situation.


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