Peer review
The peer review process
The journal considers the following review processes:
Research articles: once the thematic relevance and the adjustment to the publication rules by the Editor is confirmed (within 1 to 3 days), the Editor sends the original document to review by two external academic peers, under the double-blind modality. Reviewers should complete the following form and finally evaluate according to the categories: a) Accept the submission, b) Publicable with modifications, c) Reevaluable; d) Recommend another journal and e) Not publishable.
Title and summary
Consistency and clarity of exposition
Use of sources and references
Methodological rigour
Scientific relevance
Fit to format and spelling
According to the evaluations of the external reviewers, the Editor presents a decision according to the categories: a) Accept submission; b) Publishable with modifications; c) Reevaluable and d) Not publishable. The articles referred to in paragraphs b and c must submit an amended version within two weeks. If the Editor deems it appropriate, he may request a third blind evaluation before the final decision, which consists of acceptance or rejection.
Reviews: once the thematic relevance and the adjustment to the publication rules by the Editor is confirmed (1 to 3 days), the document is evaluated by two academic peers in free format, in the table available on the platform. As in the case of research articles, the reviewers evaluate globally according to the categories: a) Accept submission; b) Publishable with modifications; c) Reevaluable and d) Not publishable.
According to these considerations, the Editor will finally decide whether to accept or reject its publication.
For both types of documents, the RIEM establishes a maximum deadline for the final decision, 14 weeks from the time of submission of the document on the platform.