The access to Internet as a fundamental right: international perspectives

The access to Internet as a fundamental right: international perspectives

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Angel Prince Torres


This article has the purpose to analyze the access to internet as a potential fundamental right (human right) in statu nascendi, following opinions and discussions of the international community and the law in some of its member States. This qualitative, theoretical and documented research of Public International Law is supported by doctrine and different constitutional, legal and judicial postures about this topic, pursuing to study if the internet access can be considered as a protected interest of the positive interstate law comparing the coverage of this topic by legal sources in different countries. The conclusion was that the internet access has the characteristics of a right that should benefit people, because some States have legal systems which recognize the protection of this prerogative and at the same time, there have been debates in the United Nations, about the importance of this tool as a way to achieve other rights recognized to human beings.


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