Metacognition and problem solving in school children
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Investigation regarding metacognition suggests that the capacity to comprehend, reflex and control cognitive processes boosts problem solving in kids. This study analyzed the relationship between metacognitive abilities and schooled kids’ performance in the Tower of Hanoi (ToH), in a sample of 30 children between 9 and 11 years. ToH was presented in a digital version of four discs, to be played on a computer, allowing the registration of movements, mistakes and time employed. An auto report questionnaire was used to explore planification, followage and evaluation metacognitive processes in problem solving. Results highlight positive meaningful correlations between kids’ performances in ToH and the metacognitive followage and evaluation functions. It was also found that participants with better performance made more movements and less mistakes. These results represent a new input to the analysis of the relationship between metacognition and kids’ problem-solving strategies.
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