Evaluation of cognitive-practical capacities necessary for the minimum intervention in cariology
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This research evaluates cognitive-practical capacities in the teaching-learning of cariology in the Stomatology career in Cuba, with the purpose of modifying and redesigning the teaching-learning processes of the study program. The methodology is descriptive and cross-sectional and arises from the assessment of the participants in Study Plan D. Teachers from all universities in the country were summoned and 177 responses were received. The instrument was previously validated and applied online. The variables were: institution, teaching category, years in teaching, participation in the preparation of the evaluated study program, scientific degree, research category, the items for the evaluation and components resulting from the previous factor analysis. The study plan was evaluated with 46.3% at a general level, between sufficient and insufficient, and 49.7% for both the program and the strategy, with significant dependence (p≤0.000), between the evaluation of both. In four of the six components (66.7%), the moderately sufficient category prevailed: planning of activities for the acquisition of cognitive-practical skills (57.1%), organization (50.8%), support (54 , 2%) and control (56.5%). The problems were found in the epidemiological monitoring component of the dental caries process (40.1%) and in the aspects of technological resources, activities in knowledge systems, requirements for laboratory practice scenarios, bibliography, and clinical techniques and procedures for the TMIC. In the comprehensive evaluation of the program, the didactic strategy, the cognitive-practical capacity, the components and individual aspects, the category of moderately sufficient prevailed.
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