Emotional intelligence and symptoms of eating disorders in Spanish adults: Mediating role of cognitive emotional regulation strategies
Main Article Content
Emotional intelligence (EI) and regulation strategies are relevant personal resources for the prevention of eating disorders (ED). Specifically, maladaptive cognitive emotional regulation strategies (CERS) are positively associated with ED criteria. However, no studies have yet analyzed the potential mediating role of CERS in the relationship between EI and ED. Therefore, our objective was to analyze the mediating role of CERS between EI and ED. The sample consisted of 516 Spanish adults from a community and university population. They completed a battery administered online that included measures of EI, CERS and symptoms of ED. Our results showed that high levels of EI were positively associated with adaptive CERS and negatively with maladaptive CERS and ED symptoms. Additionally, mediation analyzes showed that maladaptive CERS mediated the relationship between EI and ED symptoms. These findings suggest that people high in EI may report fewer ED symptoms, in part due to less use of maladaptive CERS. Finally, the implications for evaluating and improving these psychological resources in ED prevention and treatment programs are discussed.
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